R235 million grant from DBSA Project Preparation and R25 million grant approved by IIPSA for the Polokwane Local Municipality Asbestos-Cement (AC) Pipes Network Replacement Capital Expenditure Programme.
The Polokwane AC Pipes Network Replacement project is one of the municipality’s key projects in its Integrated Development Plan, as an anchor project to enable its Smart City Vision. The project will increase the municipality’s wastewater treatment capacity to handle current and projected sewage flows until 2032. The balance of the required R460 million for the project has been funded by Standard Bank.
Polokwane is the economic hub and capital city of Limpopo province, and is the largest metropolitan complex in the northern region of South Africa. A large percentage of the population live in Polokwane migrated from rural or semi-urban areas to seek for employment opportunities in the city which result to unplanned urban migration, and as a result the city is poorly service. The infrastructure is old and incurs high operating costs and lost revenue.
Development outcomes and measurable impacts
- 16 057 households currently receiving intermittent water services to benefit from reliable water services
- 67.7 km of replacement AC pipes Polokwane CBD
- 45.6 km of replacement AC pipes in Seshego
- 17.4 km of replacement AC pipes in Annadale
- Reduced ad-hoc repair and maintenance and employee overtime cost related to emergency attendance to frequent burst pipes
- Reduction in water losses
- Positive impact on the economy
- Potential creation of employment