Build and Maintenance
South Africa has a highly developed network of national economic infrastructure. However, the challenge over the years has been to maintain and continue to grow its infrastructure development such as electricity, water, transport, health, housing and more, which would help support South Africa's economic development.
The lack of infrastructure delivery affects South Africans on a day to day basis and further impacts the regional and national economy. To combat this key challenge, it is critical that infrastructure is rolled out in communities to ensure that we help connect households and that people have access to better opportunities for education, health care as well as employment.
Through our infrastructure delivery capacity, the DBSA aims to augment the capacity of the State to deliver economic and social infrastructure. We - help with infrastructure planning and programme implementation, which supports key government priorities including local government infrastructure services such as water, electricity and roads, health, education and human settlement.
Service offering
The proper management of infrastructure, which includes maintenance and refurbishment is a critical component of the infrastructure value chain.
The DBSA collaborates with the provincial and national government, municipalities, state-owned institutions and private sector to ensure we support them with infrastructure delivery and maintenance. Our service offering to our clients includes:
Implementing agent services
This is a core service, which manages the design, construction, upgrades, refurbishment and maintenance of infrastructure projects. We use innovative solutions aimed at driving greater value for money, assets, sustainability and full functionality.
The infrastructure delivery capability exists in the DBSA to support and enable government institutions to efficiently build and maintain infrastructure, especially in our core sectors.
Our infrastructure delivery capacity accelerates planned infrastructure development, supporting job creation and SMME development, advancing the green economy and ensuring the delivery of value-for-money infrastructure. Together with our stakeholders, the DBSA improves both the speed and quality of infrastructure delivery and maintenance.
Water and Sanitation
We focus on water infrastructure refurbishment, such as water purification plants and wastewater treatments in areas that don't have access to clean drinking water. We also ensure that we work towards repairing infrastructure that causes water leaks, as well as facilitate conversations around how we can manage water demand in South Africa.
Education Infrastructure
Weak school infrastructure continues to be an issue in the rural and poorer urban areas. Apart from infrastructure degradation, climate issues have also been exacerbating the situation. We work with provincial as well as the national Department of Education to refurbish schools on their behalf.
Road infrastructure plays a pivotal role in the contribution to the economy, which is why our goal is to ensure routine road maintenance as well as rehabilitation and upgrading of roads.
Industrial Parks and Special Economic Zones
We provide project management for the refurbishment of industrial parks that have been identified by the Department of Trade and Industry and support them in assessing the condition of the industrial parks and managing the construction activities.
Health infrastructure
We aim to focus on revitalisation, emergency repairs and maintenance of existing hospitals and clinics as well as building new hospitals and clinics to help ensure better access to health care. Additionally, we build nursing colleges, which will help equip nursing students with adequate knowledge to work in the health care system.
Proper housing continues to be a challenge for many South Africans. That’s why it's a focus area for DBSA, with the aim of creating new housing development to ensure affordable housing and design as well as urban housing precincts.
Programme management services
Provision of programme management and specialist expertise to help with planning, design, budgeting, execution and maintenance of infrastructure programmes. Our main focus is programme management support, revenue enhancement initiatives and project coordination.
Learning solutions
Our service offering includes the provision of innovative infrastructure delivery leaning solutions that will assist in delivering measurable improvements in individual and business performance as well as developmental impact.
Furthermore, we assist our clients with:
- rapid procurement that will ensure fast project initiation and execution
- project monitoring as well as reporting
- provision of a team of multi-disciplinary professionals and technical specialists who assist in providing client-centric infrastructure delivery solutions