
Suppliers interested in working with the DBSA are required to self-register on the Central Supplier Database


COVID - 19 UPDATE: Tender submission update

Due to the rapid spread of COVID – 19 and following on from President Cyril Ramaphosa’s announcement declaring the pandemic a national disaster, the DBSA is introducing the following precautionary measures in relation to submissions of Tender documents.



  1. Bidders must refer to the relevant published tender, for the tender specific email address for use.
  2. No other email address, other than the tender specific email address, may be utilized for communication.
    Submission requests will be actioned according to the timeline as documented in the tender – refer to stipulated deadlines.
  3. Bidders will thereafter receive a OneDrive link to submit/ upload the tender documents electronically.
    1. Submission requests issued to other email addresses, may not be actioned and the DBSA may not be held liable for such.
    2. Bidders may not issue multiple submission requests, as this blocks the system and delays the issuing of the link.



  1. Prior to entering the DBSA premises, the representative delivering the submission may be subjected to heat scanning.
  2. The DBSA reserves the right to deny entry should the reading be deemed above normal. There will be NO signing off on the SCM records register during this period. This is to avoid physical contact.
  3. Physical documentation that is received will be kept in isolation for a period of 4 days post tender closing.


NOTE: You are requested regularly visit the DBSA Website should there be any further updates and communications.