Sourcing Process


  1. The DBSA procurement process is subject to the DBSA's Procurement Policy and Procedure document and code of conduct.
  2. Specifications are requested when a business need arises by internal business units.
  3. An appointment Specification Committee compiles the specification or scope of service covering the specific requirement by drafting a Terms of Reference Document.
  4. Once approval have been granted by the Procurement Committee the tender is published on the DBSA website or advertised in a National newspaper.
  5. The Procurement Unit or business unit (For professional services only) will obtain the necessary requests for bid/proposal/information or quotation.
  6. All responses are subject to the DBSA's:
  • Tender conditions
  • Responses to be aligned to the Terms of Reference
  • The DBSA's purchase order and quotation/bid terms of conditions
  • The Procurement Unit or business unit (For professional services only) will obtain the necessary requests for bid/proposal/information or quotation.
  1. On the closing time all responses are opened verified for compliance.
  2. The next step is for the appointed evaluation team to evaluate the proposals received.
  3. Once the successful vendor/ supplier have been evaluated, rated and ranked the evaluation committee will obtain the necessary approval from the Procurement Committee to award and appoint the successful vendor/supplier.
  4. The successful vendor/supplier provider will then be registered as a DBSA vendor.
  5. Either a contract or SLA will be entered into between the DBSA and the successful vendor/supplier.
  6. A purchase order will be faxed or emailed to confirm the DBSA's requirements.

Procurement process

The DBSA does not have any procurement service provider whose total procurement spend is equal or greater than 10% of the Bank’s total procurement spend