Building a brighter energy future, today!
Independent Power Producer Programme
As one of the leading development financiers in Africa, we have, in collaboration with our strategic partners and stakeholders, established initiatives that have enabled effective development impact.
The DBSA in partnership with the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy and National Treasury has played a key role in establishing the Independent Power Producers’ Office (IPPO) which subsequently launched the internationally acclaimed Renewable Energy Independent Power Producers Procurement Programme (REIPPPP). The REIPPPP has contributed to increasing South Africa’s energy supply, promoting the global climate change agenda and has realised many notable achievements including:
Enabling Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE) companies and local communities’ participation in the projects at the equity level.
Continued support to BBBEE entities and local community trusts with funding to acquire equity stakes in future REIPPPP projects.
The DBSA has to date committed funding to 36 projects in South Africa’s REIPPPP Programme.
Committed approximately R18 billion across round 1 to round 4 under the REIPPPP.
Provided approximately R17.5 billion in senior debt to the projects and approximately R3.5 billion to BEE parties and local community trusts.
Support to a wide range of technologies under the REIPPPP including Solar Photovoltaic (PV), Concentrated Solar Power (CSP), wind, small hydro and biomass.