Mandate of the IGRM: Monitoring & Evaluation

Independent Grievance Redress Mechanism (IGRM)
About the DBSA IGRM
What Is a Grievance, and What Do We Do
Mandate of the IGRM: Compliance Review
Mandate of the IGRM: Problem-Solving
Mandate of the IGRM: Monitoring & Evaluation
Mandate of the IGRM: Governance Structure
Management of Complaints: How to File a Complaint
Management of Complaints: Information Required Per Complaint/Grievance
Management of Complaints: How We Handle Complaints
Statement Against Retaliation

Monitoring and Evaluation

The IGRM through the Monitoring and Evaluation committee will monitor the implementation of:

  • Agreements concluded through problem solving and compliance review processes;
  • Final remedial action plans; and
  • Decisions of the IGRM and the recommendations of the Chairperson in relation to grievances or complaints.

The monitoring time frame shall be DBSA Project specific, and unless extended by the IGRM, will not exceed three (3) years. The methods for monitoring may include:

  • Consultations with the AP and other stakeholders;
  • Review of documents;
  • Obtaining expert opinions; and
  • Site visits.

In circumstances where the IGRM resolves to monitor the implementation of agreements it will do so in consultation with the relevant parties involved. Unless the IGRM Chairperson or IGRM Committee specifies a different timeline, the Monitoring and Evaluations team will submit monitoring reports to the IGRM Committee annually.   and shall make these public through the IGRM website within five (5) calendar days post submission to the Committee. The IGRM will make a draft of the monitoring report available to the parties to the agreement, giving them a reasonable time to provide comments, prior to submitting monitoring report for publishing to the Chairperson of the IGRM Committee.

At the conclusion of the monitoring period, the last monitoring report submitted by the IGRM will bring the problem solving or compliance review process as the case may be to an end.

Local Language of the Complainant

All publicly disclosed IGRM reports relating to a grievance or complaints, including eligibility determinations, agreements reached through problem solving, compliance appraisal reports, compliance investigation reports, and monitoring reports, along with other relevant documentation needed to facilitate communication, will be translated into the preferred local language of the AP.

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