Management of Complaints: How to File a Complaint

Independent Grievance Redress Mechanism (IGRM)
About the DBSA IGRM
What Is a Grievance, and What Do We Do
Mandate of the IGRM: Compliance Review
Mandate of the IGRM: Problem-Solving
Mandate of the IGRM: Monitoring & Evaluation
Mandate of the IGRM: Governance Structure
Management of Complaints: How to File a Complaint
Management of Complaints: Information Required Per Complaint/Grievance
Management of Complaints: How We Handle Complaints
Statement Against Retaliation

Reporting and Lodging a Grievance by the AP

A grievance may be submitted in any official language of South Africa. Where the grievance is in a language other than English and the AP is unable to submit a translation, the IGRM Secretariat will have the grievance translated into English which is a business language of the DBSA. The IGRM Secretariat may extend any timeframes set out in the IGRM to enable it to fulfil this requirement.   

The IGRM Secretariat shall provide confidentiality to an AP, or its representative, if requested by the AP, provided that in the case of a representative the IGRM is satisfied that the confidentiality request is justified with reference the circumstances of the complaint.

Grievances will be accepted by the online case registry, email, letter, and by hand delivery at the DBSA offices in Midrand Johannesburg.  Below are the details for the different channels:

Lodging a grievance through the DBSA online system
All grievances lodged through the DBSA online system must complete all required fields of information requested.

Lodging a grievance through email
All email grievances must contain information requested in point 9 below and emailed to 

Lodging a grievance through written letter
All written grievances must contain information requested in point 9 below and delivered to 1258 Lever Road, Headway Hill, Midrand 1685,  Johannesburg.  All written letters must be addressed to the Principal: Stakeholder Strategic Partnerships of the DBSA.

Lodging a grievance through hand delivery
All hand delivered grievances must contain information requested in point 9 below and hand delivered to 1258 Lever Road, Headway Hill, Midrand 1685, Johannesburg.  All handwritten grievances must be addressed to the Principal: Stakeholder Strategic Partnerships of the DBSA.

Contact DBSA

-25.9405299 28.1353045
Form fields
Contact Details

Physical Address

Development Bank of Southern Africa
1258 Lever Road
Headway Hill
South Africa

Post Address

P O Box 1234
Halfway House
South Africa

Contact Details

Switch Board: +27 11 313 3911
Reception: +27 11 313 3500 or +27 11 313 3297